Surviving on another planet for an extended period would be extremely difficult, if not impossible.
First, you need to consider size of a planet or moon because that will determine gravity. Large planets can have gravity that would simply crush us. I've read we might survive in a 3g environment but could you imagine life where you and everything weighs 3 times as much as on earth?. Then we have to consider the atmosphere, climate and presence of liquid water.
Is there life on the planet? How dangerous is that life to humans? When Europeans came to the Americas, their germs killed off huge populations. Remember the fictional movie, "War of the Worlds"? Where the invaders from Mars were killed off by the common cold. Our germs protect us from invaders, except we will be the invaders. There will likely be microbes that our bodies have zero protection against and they will kill us so we'll have to live in disinfected bubbles.
If we have to live in bubbles we might as well just do so on our moon, it's close to home.